Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Some devta reliefs in Prasat Preah Khan, Siem Reap

Like any other Khmer temple, Preah Khan has plenty of devta reliefs. Devtas, derived from Sanskrit name "deva" meaning a divine figure. They are usually woman who are standing, holding something in their hands. They are seen outside the temple wall. They may have a smiling expression or may just be expressionless. Man can sometimes be seen somewhere in a temple.

The concept of devta is very different from which is observed in Hinduism in India. These are demi gods and goddesses which are lesser gods. There are gods like Indra--- god of rain, Varun--- god of ocean, Agni--- god of fire and so on. 

But, in Cambodia these devta figures are not considered as gods but are given a place outside a temple or around temple walls. Devata are also referred as thewada.
The temple of Preah Khan is surrounded by these devta. Some figures are easily noticeable but some just pop up when one is looking into nooks and corners.
Every devta seems to be artistically carved by different craftsmen, they are all different and carry different expressions.

headgear resembles the Angkor Wat style

one hand has a lotus bud, headgear is very different

a bird and lotus bud

one hidden behind stones

There are many more hidden devtas throughout the temple, but to see one needs a lot of time.

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